WOW! It's Been A While! What Have I Been Up To?

I'm going to give this blogging thing a go again. I find that it's a good creative outlet for me and a place for me to memorialize my travels and experiences.
My last post was April 2017 and since then I've been on a few more trips:
Vegas June 2017
Caribbean September 2017
Florida and Caribbean January 2018

Up Next:
Greek Isles September 2018
**** September 2019 (shhh it's a surprise for someone's 40th Birthday)

I will try to finish up my posts from April 2017 before I move on to the next trips, but honestly I'm so excited to put into words all of the planning that I've done for our greek isles trip in a few months.  94 days to go to be exact!

Let's see...I ended with Day 2 of our trip in Orlando.
Day 3 we spent at Animal Kingdom & Hollywood Studios which were amazing. The safari ride and Lion King show at Animal Kingdom were all of our favorites.  At Hollywood Studios Jess of course loved Tower of Terror which Hayley took her on.
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We ended the night watching the light show in the amphitheater at Hollywood Studios and we were all freezing and exhausted at that point.

Day 4 we woke up early, checked out of the hotel and started the drive from Orlando to Tampa. My aunt and uncle live in Palm Harbor, a suburb, so I had looked for a nice hotel in the area and ended up with Hampton Inn in Oldsmar which was a perfect location and much nicer hotel than what we had just left in Orlando.
After checking in and leaving our bags, we headed to the beach in Clearwater (about a 30 minute drive).

I left Jessica and Linda to build sand castles and I went for a walk to take some pictures

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Near our hotel was a sign for a beach park so we drove back there to check it out...turns out it was more of a fishing hole, but it was beautiful, peaceful, and I could have sat there all day with a good book. We only stayed for a few minutes.
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