Greek Isles 2019 Formal Night & Chania, Crete
Time for our first formal night! Once Nate’s clothes showed up he did a quick change and we were ready to go. According to wiki: Chania is the second largest city in Crete and dates back to 1100BC. The occupied history of the city is rather sad and worth the read...especially the section on World War II....which hit home for us because Nate’s grandmother is Jewish and was forced to leave Austria for China as a teen. We got up at 7 and just caught the sunrise as we went to breakfast The harbor reminded me a lot of Cabo mixed with a little Malta to be honest. After finishing our meal and taking advantage of the restaurant’s WC we continued our walking tour through the streets of Chania. We would definitely go back to Crete. It's very different from any other island we have visited and is saturated in history. We got back on the ship, changed, and went to the gym and then Solarium for a snack. sunset on the way to dinner: OOTN:
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