Greek Isles Day 1 Part 2

Our room was not ready so we dropped our bags and headed out to enjoy the day. Our plan was to stay up until night in order to adjust to the time difference. With all of our Excitement we did not sleep on the plane so we ended up being awake something like 36 hours when it was all said and done.


Prior to the cruise I also downloaded the Rick Steves app and an app called Visit A City. Both worked out to be great! I downloaded the guides on RS app for the things we were interested in most of the ports...not for the audio guide but to be able to quickly refer to the text of it for info on what we were seeing. Visit a City allows you to map out your day to make it the most efficient and worked well for us too.

We left our bags at the front desk and with map in hand headed out to explore.





At this point we were both overheated and dehydrated so decided to make our way back towards the hotel.

We ended up stopping for lunch too. my first experience with buffalo mozzarella <3 p="">0e6c0de75a37861ea7c5112b2e4bf700.jpg

After freshening up and changing into shorts we headed back out. No rest for the weary!

There are literally ruins everywhere! I guess I didn’t realize or I was so excited about the main attractions, idk, but all you have to do is walk down the street and you’ll see the remains of some ancient civilization.

The forum of Trajan:

I had purchased our Colosseum tickets online and I am SO glad I did...please take my advice and if you are not booking a tour and want to do it self guided: BUY ONLINE. This saved us a ton of time waiting in line.

The history here is powerful. Especially when you look down at the grounds below and imagine the slaves and animals kept there. Such an incredibly sad practice.



After walking around and just standing there taking it in we made our way through the exit towards the Arch of Constantine, built 315AD and is the last great imperial monument of Rome.



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