2012 Resolutions

I'm not usually a resolution maker, but 2011 was such a year of change for me and a time for getting to know who I really am, so I decided to come up with some things I'd like to focus on accomplishing this next year.  Considering the stats out there on people who actually uphold their "new year's resolutions", I'm perhaps I should rename this my 2012 Goals :)

1.  Hike to the top of Rattlesnake (since last time I tried was almost 2 years ago and I couldn't make it)
2.  Complete a half marathon
3.  Reach my new goal weight of 140 and maintain it!
4.  Do a study on the book of Revelations
5.  Take a vacation
6.  Take a cooking class
7.  Start a small in-home craft business
8.  Strive to further my skills in the admin field
9.  Save Save Save
10. And the greatest of all: be still in the Lord everyday and show Jesus to others

What are some of your goals for the coming year?


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