A Few Of My Favorite Things

So this entry isn't really about a specific craft.  This week I'm trying to focus on positivity, and so, to brighten my day, these are a few of my favorite things to reflect upon:
1) the satisfaction I feel in knowing that something I have made is truly enjoyed by the person receiving it.  Whether that be a card, a trinket box, or a food dish.
2) the fun of curling up on my couch with a blanket and all the lights off except for the Christmas tree.  so peaceful.
3) the peace that never ceases to amaze me while I'm singing in worship
4)I may not have what some consider a lot of friends, but I'm completely blessed with the friends that I do have.  Quality, not quantity.
5) Where I was in my life 3 years ago and where I am now.  What a difference.  Thank you God that I'm never going back there.


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